The Called One or Chosen One

We can also rephrase it “The Person God Called”. How will person know that God has called him/her? How do I know that I am a child of God?

Romans 8:30 “Moreover whom He predestined, these He also called; whom He called, these He also justified; and whom He justified, these He also glorified.” 

One of the common mistakes I made in the early stage of my Christian walk was not knowing that it is God that called or Choose me to be His son (Born Again). Read Rom. 10:9-10. I thought it was a coincidence. And many children of God (Born Again) are making the same mistake today.

Even though I know I was a Born-Again Christian with evidence of speaking in tongues, yet I believed that God has not called me. I was expecting God/Jesus to call me like He called Moses, Elisha, Peter, Saul (Paul) etc. and as I have not had the experience, I believe that God has not called me.

The other side of this is many believers who move round with words like “I have a Call”, “God is calling me”, “Did you hear from God?”, etc. They make the call of God ceremonial or as a title more that than following the Jesus who called them. It can be likened to one who want to marry or is married, spending all his/her time studying/ learning about wedding instead of marriage.   




CALLED is a past tense of CALL. Call means: cry out to (someone) in order to summon or attract his/her/their attention.

CHOSEN is past participle of choose. Chosen means: having been selected as the best or most appropriate.

John 1:12 said “Yet to ALL who did RECEIVE HIM, to those who believed in his name, HE GAVE the RIGHT to become CHILDREN of GOD” (NIV).

This simply means, ANYBODY who accept Jesus (Rom 10:9-10), God gave or adopted him/her as His own child (something that has happened). To rephrase it, ANYBODY who accept Jesus as Lord and Savior, God has selected him/her as the best or most appropriate child of God.


People have made several personal efforts to be a child of God and failed to be one just because they don’t understand God’s way of doing things even though God clearly explain the steps in the Bible.

Bible said JESUS CHRIST is a gift God gave to the world. John 3:16. And the only thing a person need for a gift to be his/her own is to accept the gift. God gave Jesus to the world and anybody who accepts Jesus, he/she will become a Child of God. What everybody need is to ACCEPT!. Eph. 2:8-9, Rom. 5:15-19.

Accepting Jesus is the only way for a person to be a child of God. John 14:6, 1:12




The Called One or Chosen One

The account in John 1:40-50 shows few examples of how many of Jesus apostles and disciples were called.
For example, John the Baptist preached about Jesus to Andrew, and Andrew ACCEPTED Jesus with action and followed Jesus (Jn 1:12). That was Andrew’s “call”. He became a Called Person or Chosen Person. Andrew saw Peter and told him about Jesus, he ACCEPTED with action and follow. He became a Called Person or Chosen Person. Jesus called Philip by himself, Philip ACCEPTED with action of following.

Whether Jesus called you directly by vision, dream or any other form or someone preached to you, so long as you accepted Him with action He gave you what it takes to be His son/daughter. What you do with His call in your life is what makes the difference between you and the other person.

How well you act on His word is what makes you a great or small child of God. 1 Timothy 4:15. ”Give your complete attention to these matters. Throw yourself into your tasks so that everyone will see your progress.” NLT


Read: Faith in God vs Mental Assent


Note: There is no method that is the best method of calling. The only best method being a useful or powerful child of God here on earth is our closeness to His Word (Bible). In the bible, there are persons who Jesus called one-on-one that did not make much impact like the ones who Jesus called by hearing the preaching of another person or revelation of God’s word.


God loves everybody in the world but only those who accept His son Jesus are God’s sons and daughters. The chosen one. John 3:16


If you have accepted Jesus as your Lord and Savior, then you are a CALLED ONE /CHOSEN ONE. All you need is to remain faithful to His calling/ God’s Word. John 8:31. Jesus said to the people who believed in him, “You are truly my disciples if you remain faithful to my teachings. NLT



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