As a public speaker, I have received questions on this subject over and over in my teaching meetings over the years even as this question is a type many people finds it difficult to ask in a public. Whether you call it, why having sex in the dream? or how to stop having sex in a dream with someone you know or with your partner or with family member or girlfriend or with manfriend? Or you are asking the Spiritual meaning of having sex in the dream biblically, or in Islam or Hindi? You are asking similar question.

All human beings are the same, not minding the tribe, color or sex. This is why the drug (medicine) that cured someone with different skin color in one continent will cure another person with a different skin color in another continent. All human are the same and the cause of their problem are almost the same.

I don’t think anyone else will search for solution to this issue like the way I searched for it some years back. I am grateful that I got the solution and we have been sharing this same solution for many years and the result has been good/ the same everywhere. The solution works for all ages, sexes, colors, languages, tribes and all people in anywhere in the world.

The answer on how to stop having sex dreams or spiritual meaning of making love/ having sex in dream or how to stop wet dreams that is in this small post has the answered you have been looking for.

Please! We have discovered that as soon as the problem is gone, many tend to forget to get back to share their testimonies. Please, don’t forget to write us as you will happy after knowing the answer.

What Dreams Could Mean Generally

Have you ever wondered how your body could be on the bed and you go about with many activities in the dream? Are you then two persons? No! It is because we are spirit inside the body and we have soul.

We all want to know the meaning of our dreams, especially when they leave us perplexed and wondering why a particular theme played out while we slept.

People do wish they could know how to control the dream event but the truth is, nobody controls how his/her dream will play out. It all play on till it stops or you wake up from sleep.

Dreams sometimes is a way invisible pass messages to visible. But sometimes, dream content relates back to some of the activities that happed in your waking life. Some go to bed to dream about movie they watched or other things they did during the day.

Dr. Janet Brito, a psychologist said, dreams are a way to reveal what is invisible to you. He said, they serve as an inner guidance system, give you commentary about how you’re living your life, and reveal symbolic images for you to explore with curiosity.

Spiritual Meaning of Having Sex in Dreams

I want to start with the spiritual meaning of making love/ having sex in dream or how to stop wet dreams. Just we said that dream is mostly the invisible passing message(s) to the visible. We are not talking about wet dream for married couples who are denying each other sex.

The invisible (spiritual world) mostly use dreams to pass messages to our visible (physical world) life. Dreams sometimes is playing out activity(ies) that has started in the spirit that is about to manifest in the physical. So, as the spiritual life controls physical life, so spiritual mostly uses the having sex in the dream to pass a message to the physical and expect the living to take note and possibly do something about it.

Effects of Sex in Dream or Wet Dream

When I was younger in age, I was having wet dream or having sex in dream once in a while. At early stage, some of them where as a result of activities that played out during the day. I did not attach any importance to it till my university days and after graduation.

As I begin to face my personal responsibility, I start to observe some scenario that is not pleasant to me. I discovered over some years that anytime I’m expecting a good thing(s) that can change my status in life, few days to the time of the good event, I will have sex in my dream or masquerade pushing me. I discovered over times that the expected good thing(s) will never come to me no matter good the person may be to me. Even if it is my closest friend or best relation that want to do me the good, the person or the people will not be able to do it even when they really wanted to do the good for me. There are many shocking testimonies on these but space will not permit us to share them here.

The painful side of it is, such opportunities that I’m missing does not come to a person regularly, so, the periods it happens use to be weeks of tears and sorrows for me. I was born in church home, I have been going to church but without a stop and I have tried my best to end the issue but without result. When I became Born Again Christian, I prayed all kinds of prayers, it will stop for a while when I’m hot in prays but after long time, it will happen again. As it keeps happening, it seems I gave up but because I keep hearing the word of God, my spirit could not accept the defeat.

How To Stop Having Sex Dream & The Spiritual Effect

sex or wet in the dream meaning

As my spirit could not give up, one day I read a verse in my Bible that opened my eyes. 1 John 4:4Ye are of God, little children, and have overcome them: because greater is he that is in you, than he that is in the world.” I read it again and again. I discovered that I have already overcame just because I’m a child of God. I discovered that my victory is done and not futuristic.

Then I linked it to 1 John 5:4 “for everyone (anybody) born of God (Born Again) overcomes the world. This is the victory that has overcome the world, even our faith.” EVERYONE bible used here means ANYBODY, WHOSOEVER and I am among EVERYONE who have overcome everything the world carry. My mind was renewed immediately with these verses. The peak of it is when I saw John 5:24 “Most assuredly, I say to you, he who hears My word and believes in Him who sent Me has everlasting life, and shall not come into judgment, but has passed from death into life.”

I discovered that the bible only says if I HEAR (or read) and BELIEVE, I have already …. passed from death into life. Most bible passages summed devil’s activities with a word “death or darkness”. And the passage that killed and buried making love/ having sex in dream or wet dreams, dream of swimming in a river and masquerade pushing and flogging me or dog pushing me is Colossians 1:13 “For he has rescued us from the kingdom of darkness and transferred us into the Kingdom of his dear Son

Take note in these bible passages, they are all in pass tense, meaning, it is something that has been done already for you and me. Colossian put it this way CHRIST HAS RESCUED US. Christ has rescued you and me who have accepted him as our Lord and Savior and when a strong government or hand rescue any captive, the weak has nothing to do again than to keep regretting of any mistake he/she may think he made that lead to the captive’s rescue.

These passages are not what you need to just ready only but to read and know them as you know yourself as a man or woman. Knowing this will not only bring the insult to an end in your life but you will be tormenting devil anywhere you see devil operating in people’s lives.

Not too long after I knew the above truth, the wet dream stops and sometimes in my dream, a woman will come naked before me and inviting me for sex, I will respond that she is not my wife or I will completely refuse. Remember, nobody controls his/her dream.

Masquerade will be parading in the dream, instead of me to run, I continue my journey towards them and when I get closer to where they are, they will give way for me. It became a thing of joy and that was how the torment and disappoints and stagnation ended in my life. Good things in life begin to come to me and my faith in God’s word grow greatly.

Some Dreams That Seem Related

Some dreams and their meaning or effects on the dreamer can be interrelated. Some mostly dream of swimming in a river, or masquerade pushing and flog them, or dog pushing and sometimes bit them. In some other cases, dreaming of security forces pushing and sometimes arrest them, etc. They are mostly a way the spirit is trying to convey a message to the physical beings. We should not take it so casually.

In many instances, if the spirit tries to communicate to the flesh through dream channel and the person is not ready to hear or understand, the spirit may stop the channel and begin to find another way to communicate with the person.


You don’t need any other answer as a child of God. Knowing your name ends you answering any other name they call on the road no matter how loud they may shout the name. All kinds of spiritual and physical freedom are part of redemption and when you don’t know it, devil will ride on you. Devil’s power over any Christian anywhere, anytime is the Christian’s ignorance to what Christ has done for him/her. Congratulations!!!


  1. Please I need prayers

    I am. A minister I have fasted ,so many times against this dream , please ,I will deliver other , and I cannot deliver myself

  2. What happens when is someone you know that dreams about sleeping with you thrice.

    What does it mean

  3. Ogechukwu

    I will do all these according to the words of God….I will be looking forward to my testimony.

  4. Thank you so much, I’ll do these by God’s grace.

  5. Henry emmanuel

    I am so happy and I thank God for giving me the chance to see this page to god bless you sir

  6. Please I need your prayer on sex dream
    This is on usual

  7. I dreamt of having sex in the dream last night and I don’t feel good about it this only happens when good thing is coming my way

  8. Wow!!! happy I got to renew my mind with this scriptures. Thanks sir.

  9. Thanks and God bless. I am victorious in Jesus name. Amen.

  10. Nmesomachukwu

    Thank you Sir. I will certainly do as you say. You are a blessing to this generation. Remain blessed.

  11. Joyce Boatemaa

    Thank you sir for this message.I have always been looking for a solution to this dream but it seems today is the day God has given me a solution through this your message.I am also hoping to have my testimony from today.Thank you again for this Sir

  12. Udofia Manifest

    After reading this scripture I am here and I know I am heal in Jesus name amen thanks god bless you

  13. Blessing lawrence

    Enter your comment here..thank u sir u are god messager to help me overcome this nightmare.thanks am very greatfull.

  14. Thank u so much sir God bless u your words are helpful.

  15. Enter your comment here..father,cause my faith to look up to you always

  16. Anonymous

    Enter your comment here..may god help us. thank you sir

  17. There are certain kinds of prayers that needs to be done as soon as one wakes up from such dreams, because this is a possessing dream that reveals what’s been done to you spiritually.

  18. I dont have gril friend but i always dream having sex with different types of gril in my dream and hate it

  19. Enter your comment here..Thank u sir i have being searching ever since but thanks be to god ihave seen it

  20. Enter your comment here..Please help me in prayer i had a similar dream last night.

  21. I give God all the Glory for letting me come across this page! I have been struggling with sex in the dream almost every day for long now, but after giving my life to Christ and reading some anointed books it stops. And now it started again but not everyday like before, anytime I’m expecting favour it will happen and the favour and blessings will block unexpectedly… I’m taking this step with Faith and I’ll come back to share my testimony

  22. I’m taking the step by faith, I will come back and share my testimony

  23. In many things in life, prayer is not everything. When your child fail exam, you tell that child to go and pray for him/her to pass. You will ask the child to go and study (knowledge) more.

    When your car have fault and stop on the road, if you know how to fix it, you don’t need prayer or to be confuse. You will just fix it and continue your journey.

    My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge … Hosea 4:6
    Prayer is good but a knowledgable person will be far more successful than a prayer person.

    This vedio could be of help

  24. Jubril Nifemi

    Thanks so much for this ,I will it and see how it works. I hope with my believe God delivered me from the bad dreams of sex it block favor always.

  25. My Dear, please, don’t miss the truth. The Word of God is not something to try to see how it will work. If you approach it with trying to know if it will work, it will not work for you.
    James 1:6-7 NIV “… you must believe and not doubt, because the one who doubts is like a wave of the sea… That person should not expect to receive anything from the Lord.”
    Heb. 11:6 “And without faith it is impossible to please (to get deliverance) God, because anyone who comes to him must believe that he exists and that he rewards (answer) those who earnestly seek him.”

    This video may be of help to you.

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