Is anything wrong with my mind or my faith in God as a Christian? From time to time, I do have urge for sex, have feeling for opposite sex. What is wrong with me sir? This always put me in bad mood.

STUDENT: Sir, is it appropriate and biblical to have urge for Sex or feel affection for the opposite gender? Asked Ben.

TEACHER: Ben, do you usually feel hunger for Food and thirst for water?


STUDENT: For sure sir, and such desires are inherent in us. Besides, I don’t joke with my tummy Oh (smiles)

TEACHER: When you feel those desires for food and water and don’t have where wither to fulfil it, would you steal to fulfil those desires or would you eat the trash you saw in dustbin?


STUDENT: No!!!! Sir, for it is against the teachings of my master Jesus Christ to steal. (frowns)

TEACHER: Hmmm! Very good!

Now, Ben just as Hunger for Food and water is inherent in man, so the Urge for Sex or affection for opposite sex is an Instinct enshrined within us as human beings by our creator.


STUDENT: Hmmmm! I see.

TEACHER: Just as it is abnormal for a person not to feel hungry, so whoever does not have sexual urge is highly abnormal except for eunuchs. (Matt 19:12)


But, then since it abnormal to eat from dustbin or to steal in other to satisfy desires for Food and water, so also it is abnormal to have sex outside wedlock. God has provided a medium to satisfy Sexual urge which is called MARRIAGE but if you satisfy that urge outside the circumference of MARRIAGE (pornography, masturbation, fornication, prostitution, homosexualism), then it is SIN and an OFFENCE before God. Marriage is lawful union of man and woman.


STUDENT: hmmmm! I see clearly now. But sir, negative suggestions on my mind are they BAD/LUST?

TEACHER: Can you stop your mobile communication company from sending you some irrelevant text or stop a TV channel from displaying programs of their choice that you do not want or stop a bird from flying over your roof?


STUDENT: (laughs) that’s impossible sir!

TEACHER: But can you delete the unwanted messages from your phone, change the TV stations or switch off the TV and Stop the bird from building nest on your head?


STUDENT: yea! Yea! Very sure sir. Nice illustration sir.

TEACHER: As long as you are alive (in the body), bad and evil thoughts would come from time to time but just as you can delete those unwanted messages and stop a bird from landing on your head, so you can TRASH THE THOUGHTS.  “Casting down imaginations, .…” 2 Cor. 10:5

Ben, lust simply means doing in your heart what you could’ve done with the person physically.


Negative suggestion is not lust, rather it is the deliberate and concerted meditation of those negative thoughts which bring PLEASURE to you.


Working in the light (Holiness) is not the absent of evil thoughts or sexual urge but it is a life that God who saved you has given you the ability to think and live on the things that are good to Him. Phil. 4:8. You choose to replace those evil thoughts with what the bible says and to keep those lawful desires in check until the appropriate Time.


STUDENT: Wow! Wow! Thank you very much teacher for you have taken off some unnecessary load off my neck.

TEACHER: You are welcome beloved.



It is not wrong, it is not a sin for a person to have sex urge, feel affection for the opposite sex. It is also not wrong for a bad thought to come into your mind but it is wrong to spend your time/day in feeding the thought to grow. There is so much power in feeding your imagination (meditation). What has led to many inventions and crimes all over the world is people feeding on their imagination. Proverbs 4:23


NOTE: It is impossible for pig not to eat, drink or play in dirty mud. But if anything changes the pig nature into a sheep, it will stay away from eating, drinking or playing in a dirty mud.


It is impossible for someone who have not accepted Jesus to stay out of sin. Sin is a nature everybody inherited from grandfather Adam. It is like a healthy person trying to resist sleep at night. You will try a little but not too long.


The only way this inherited nature in everybody can be replaced with God’s nature is to accept Christ. Yes, Adam’s one sin brings condemnation for everyone, but Christ’s one act of righteousness brings a right relationship with God and new life for everyone. Because one person disobeyed God, many became sinners. But because one other person obeyed God, many will be made righteous. Romans 5:18-19.


If you believe with your heart and confess Jesus as your Lord and Savior now, you will be saved now. Just confess Him now if you have believed and God will make you righteous now through your faith in Jesus.

Please don’t end it here send/share it as far as you can, to clear the doubt.

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