Just as nobody/ country have been able to find substitute or replacement for death, so is nobody/ country have and will ever find a substitute to Peace with God.

This post answered the below questions that many are asking. Also, the questions could be what led you to this post. The questions: How can I become a child of God? What are the bible verses on how to be a child of God? I have been praying / looking for a prayer to become a child of God? The last on the list as people keep asking the question is “how can a Christian rightly become a child of God?”

The word “Child of God” and “Born Again Christian” may be use interchangeably in this post. We also took extra time to answer the last question “how can a Christian rightly become a child of God?” because of his nature.


Read: What is Faith in God Means


The truth is God made the process of how people/ human being can become His child or Born-Again Christian a simple one. But many of us who preach have made it difficult for people to understand, thereby preventing many to be a child of God / Born-Again Christian they have longed for. Some made the subject complicated because they do not know.

There is this emptiness in everybody on earth, male or female, black or white that nothing can replace or satisfy till such person make peace with His maker. It’s an instinct. Many have tried to use money, clubbing, drinks, drugs, womanizing and other things to quieten their spirit or replace the emptiness but nothing has and will ever replace it in that person. Just as nobody have and will be able to substitute or replacement death, so is nobody have and will ever have a substitute to Peace with God.

How to Become a Born Again Christian or Child of God

What do we mean for a person to be a Child of God?

A child of God or a Born-Again Christian is a person who has reconciled with his maker and have received the sought-after Eternal life that goes with Joy and Peace. It’s a person God has given birth to. A child of God is someone his/her sins has been forgiven and God put His Son’s righteousness on such person to make him/her righteous. It’s the highest and most wonderful thing that could happen to any living person here on earth. It comes with unexplainable Joy and Peace of God.


Read: How God Sees A Believer (Born-Again)


To be a child of God or a Born-Again Christian is a good thing that anyone here on earth ought to be. It is a wonderful thing. It’s a good and miraculous life.

As simple as you do not struggle to accept a gift from a willing giver or to take a meal your mother prepared for you as a healthy person, that’s how simple God has made everyone on earth to be His son/ daughter. The only difference between becoming a child of God and taking a meal from your mother is the later is of physical while becoming a child of God is spiritual by faith. Both goes with accepting what someone else have done for you.

Biblical Process for Anybody to Be a Child of God.

Just as nobody has the power/ authority to choose to give birth to himself naturally, so it is, nobody can make his/her self a child of God except God choses to make such one His child. And the good news is God has been longing for you to make you His child. This could be one of the reasons God helped you to find this post.

Take note and think on the capital phrases in this Bible verse, John 3:16 “For GOD SO LOVED THE WORLD, that HE GAVE HIS ONLY BEGOTTEN SON, that WHOSOEVER BELIEVETH IN HIM should not perish, but HAVE EVERLASTING LIFE.

Take God by His word. Believe the word of God the same way you believe the chair you are sitting on to carry your weight. Act on the word of God as you act on the word of a doctor or your bank.

Step 1 -Agree with God (Romans 10:9).
Accept this God’s word (Jn. 3:16), God so loved EVERYBODY in the world including you. Because of His love, He gave His Son (a gift) to die for EVERYBODY’s sins and ANYBODY who agrees/ believe this truth will have God kind of life (everlasting life).


Read: What Bible Says About Eternal Life


It is a decision you are to make. To say “God, I submit my will to your will, I have been living my life without you fathering me, from now, I decide that you father me by giving me instructions and I will obey”. This is very important and is called Repentance.

Step 2 -Take action (Romans 10:10).
As you have faith on your chair, you took action to sit on it. As you have believed above God’s word that God’s son (Jesus) died for your sin, the action you need to take is say it out / confess with your mouth. The confession is “Father in heaven, I openly accept Jesus as one who died for my sins and God raised him from the dead for me. Jesus! Please, be my Lord and my Savior from now. In Jesus name I prayed, amen”. Bible said, if you have done the two above steps (believe with your heart and confess with your mouth) you will be saved.

You are now a new person, old sins have been wiped away (remitted), put out of existence and you are now a new person that had NO SIN. You are now a Child of God/ Born Again Christian. Believe this truth.

John 1:12 says, “to all (everyone or everybody) who received Jesus, who believe in His name, God gave authority to become children of God.” As you believe in His name, your status immediately changed to God’s child.

Key thing to know:
The only thing you and me have to do in this God’s process of making us His children is to accept God’s gift (Jesus) He gave to the world. God gave everybody this gift without condition. It’s simple, accept Jesus as your savior and you will become a child of God.


You are saved by God’s grace and not by good or bad thing you did. This is true. God said in Romans 5:8 AMP “But God clearly shows and proves His own love for us, by the fact that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.

Ephesians 2:8-9AMP “For it is by grace [God’s remarkable compassion and favor drawing you to Christ] that you have been saved [actually delivered from judgment and given eternal life] through faith. And this [salvation] is not of yourselves [not through your own effort], but it is the [undeserved, gracious] gift of God; not as a result of [your] works [nor your attempts to keep the Law], so that no one will [be able to] boast or take credit in any way [for his salvation].”

Out of experience, this is where many have been stuck from being saved and becoming a child of God. People try to depend on good things they have been doing and expect God to use it to save them. God’s salvation order is, you will first accept Jesus as your Savior before God will accept your good works.

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