Almost every Christian believer’s number one need or desire is to have faith. So, many have done all that is humanly possible to get faith but have not gotten enough faith. Many do not know why they could not while some have given up and conclude that God does not want them to have enough faith.
In this short post, you will know where the problem of your faith not growning lies and the long age problem will be solved.
“So Jesus said to them, “Because of your unbelief; for assuredly, I say to you, if you have faith as a mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move; and nothing will be impossible for you.” Matthew 17:22. Jesus used the size of Mustard seed to illustrate how powerful a believer’s small faith in God can produce great result. Almost every Christian believer’s number one need or desire is to have faith in God.
So, what is faith in God?
Faith is agreeing that what God said is true and the ability to act on it.
There are two kinds of faith. 1. Faith with work and 2. Faith without work. James 2:26 “For as the body without the spirit is dead, so faith without works is dead also.”
- Faith in God is the ability to HEARwhat God said, CONFESS it and ACT or DO it without minding any other fact. John 2:1 – 9.
- Faith without Work is the ability to HEAR what God said, CONFESS it and without action or doing it based on another human factor. James 2:17 “Faith that doesn’t lead us to do good deeds is all alone and dead!”
Hebrews 11:17-19 “By faith Abraham, when he was tested, offered up Isaac on the altar. He who had received the promises was ready to offer his one and only son, even though God had said to him, “Through Isaac your offspring will be reckoned.” Abraham reasoned that God could raise the dead, and in a sense, he did receive Isaac back from death”
The word of God that you believe but did not do what you ought to do does not produce result. And so, God want you and me to hear or read His word and do what He asked us to do without asking Him why.
Read: The Called One or Chosen One
Mental Assent or Faith without Work is the ability to HEAR what God said, CONFESS it and without action or doing it based on another human factor.
The basic thing to note is, at every point in time in everyone’s life, he/she is confessing what he/she hears that he believes and actions or doing always follows confession.
James 1:17 “Faith that doesn’t lead us to do good deeds is all alone and dead!” CEV
I think what has confused many believers in Faith issue is they think that if they quote those beautiful words of God allowed, the result will come.
Some quote beautiful words they like that cannot be found in the Bible, not what God said.
The Faith that will produce result must go with action.
For example, in John 2:1 – 9. A very good example of faith with action took place. The actions here that produces the miracle are:
1. Jesus mother believe in what Jesus can do, so she went and pray (talk) to Jesus.
2. Jesus said (HEAR what God said), “fill the waterpots with water”, “draw some out now, and take it to the master of the feast”. The acting on what God said (Acting on the word or Do), they filled the pot and drew to the master of the feast. The miracle took place. It will always work, anywhere, anytime. It does not fail.
Romans 10:17
“So faith comes from hearing, that is, hearing the Good News about Christ.” NLT
No one can have faith without hearing the message about Christ. CEV
Faith in God comes from only one source, that is, the message about Christ Jesus. Faith does not have any other source. Even prayer and fasting does not give faith to a believer.
Imagine in the above example we gave where Jesus turned water to wine, where you are in need of wine and not water and Jesus said to you “fill the waterpots with water” and “draw some out now, and take it to the master of the feast”, will you act on Jesus instruction?
Let us also imagine that after Jesus gave the instruction, the disciples went to prayers and fasting instead of acting. And their prayer point is “oh Lord, help me to believe for the water to turn into wine”. Do you think that their prayer will make any good?
Praying to God for faith is like praying to your mother to help you to have faith on what she said to you. The truth is, nobody has grown in faith by praying for faith. Faith comes from hearing the message about Christ.
If you know your father has N10,000,000 in his bank account and he promised to give you N50,000. If you go to him with a prayer point “dear father! Please help me to believe that you will give me the N50,000 you promised me”. This prayer shows that you completely do not have faith on your father to make good what he promised. When we read/ hear God’s promise, all that is required of us is to ask. Not believing or praying. ACT ON THE WORD.
The disciples acted even against human facts. In human or science logic, they took risk. What if they get to the master of the feast and it still water?
Mental Assent person will ask, “what if it fails?” and will not act or do what the word of God says. He/she will ask this question because the word of God has not taken root in his/her heart.
Faith Principle:
– Hear God’s word (read or listen)
– Claim it (confession) and
– Act on the promise you heard.
Note: it must be God’s word that you will act, not what you think, feel or facts.
Faith, then, is not faith until confession comes from the lips, it is mental assent. Mental assent becomes faith by action, or confession. Most of what we call “faith” is mental assent to the great fundamentals of the Word.
You need healing, search out in the Bible where God promised healing, confess you are healed and act as a healed person and you will be heal. No mater the name of the sickness, it must surely go. Surprisingly, God’s promises on healing are past tense (healed). It means, He (God) has healed you already, all you need is to collect it by acting. The principle of Faith: Hear God’s promises, claim it (confession) and Act on the promise you heard.
In a faith walk, confessing the word goes with acting the word. Confession energizes the spirit to act.
Romans 10:9-10 “For it is by believing in your heart that you are made right with God, and it is by openly declaring your faith that you are saved.”
The miracle of salvation comes by hearing and doing the word. When read or HEAR the Message of Christ, you believe on Christ as Savior and Lord, then you confess Jesus. Here confession (verb or action) leads to salvation miracle.
Confession is faith’s confirmation. To constantly affirm the things that God is to you and you are to God, and the things you are in Christ and what Christ is in you, is to give faith the wings to reach higher altitudes in the spiritual experiences.